Data Protection, Safeguarding and Welfare
When members join FPCC, they are invited to let the Club have email addresses and other contact information.
This data is held and used solely for the purpose of running the Club and not shared with third parties.
Consent to hold and use this information may be withdrawn at any time.
Click on the red button for the
Club Welfare Policy
Code of Conduct
Safeguarding Policy
For further information, contact:
Club Secretary Mark Mikurenda, markmikurenda@yahoo.com 07825 794849
Fixtures Secretary Ed Hobbs edhobbs124@hotmail.com
Bookings Secretary Leigh Godfrey bookingsfpcc@outlook.com
Team Managers Ewen Moore, ewen.moore@bambootravel.co.uk
Howard Smith howardsmith2012@gmail.com ​
Club Safeguarding and Welfare Officer Andy Bazen, andybazen@btinternet.com 07837 500648
The Laws of Cricket
Click on the green button to see the Laws of Cricket on 1st October 2022 ​
Click red button for the Law changes 2022