Another Big Bash for charity
On Saturday 22 June, six teams gathered to compete for the 7-a-side trophy at Fonthill's own "Big Bash" charity tournament. The aim of the day was to raise money for the three charities which Fonthill Park CC has decided to support this year, the Wiltshire Air Ambulance appeal, "Seeds for Success" and principally CLEVAH (Creating Learning Experiences aVailable AtT Hospital). Players donated a £10 match fee, and there was a bar, barbecue and raffle. As a result, the Club has been able to make donations of £200, £400 and £600 to these charities respectively.
The "Old Fonthillians" topped Group A with the Knight Watchmen coming second and a team from CLEVAH third. Chilmark won Group B over the "Weepng Willows" and "Dorset Knockers".
In lovely warm weather there was some good cricket with teams
typically scoring between 40 and 80 in the their 6 eight-ball overs. The eventual winners were the Old Fonthillians (comprising Charlie White, Dave Roberts, Ray Hayne, Rupert Murray, Jon Sealy, John Farrand and Holly White), who defeated the Knight Watchmen in the final.
Previous winners have been The Whites (2014), The Old Fonthillians (2015 and 2016), The Knight Watchmen (2017)and Chilmark (2018).